Here I share with you just a snapshot of my journey to help you gauge what has inspired and influenced me to do the work I do today.

Ever since my childhood I’ve been an ambitious, inquisitive person and enjoyed challenging the status quo. Originally from Poland, after my graduation I moved to London and spent the next 17 years there. I was hungry for ‘success’ and determined to achieve it. Continuing the education in London enabled me to secure great jobs: first at the European HQs of GE (General Electric), then at American Express where I worked for nearly 10 years. My life became very busy because of demanding job and weekly international travel. Still, it all felt very much like a ‘success’ at the time … Years of hectic lifestyle, lack of attention to what my body was trying to communicate to me, insufficient knowledge on how to effectively support my own wellbeing caused my health to suffer. At the time my ‘healthcare’ was limited to doing tests recommended by doctors so they could label ‘what’ was wrong and decide ‘what’ to prescribe to eliminate the symptoms. It was all very much disease and medicine oriented approach that omitted the most important question: ‘why’.

I have gone through periods where sport was my obsession. On most days, by the time I arrived at my desk, I had already covered 20k cycling and running in Hyde Park or around the cities I was working from at the time. I took part in some extreme running events i.e.: in the Sahara desert and I was a devoted participant of the British Military Fitness. This approach to exercise was very effective at reducing stress, forgetting problems and elevating my mood but years later I learnt how damaging it was for my adrenal glands.

Eventually sensing that perhaps there was ‘another way’ I started working with a Life Coach. I slowed down, become more mindful and turned to more gentle forms of physical activities. I started to nourish rather than punish my body. Self care became my new found passion, one that I rally started to infest my resources into.

Few years and a lot of education later I understood that I wanted to work in the field of Functional Medicine. Once I gathered the courage to make the leap I left my beloved London and re-located to the sunny south of Europe. Just before my relocation I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and weeks later I went through an emergency operation to stop an acute internal bleeding. This traumatic experience seriously impacted my health and wellbeing. Equipped in the relevant knowledge I managed to recover well but just as I did, in the autumn of 2018, another traumatic incident occurred. I can honestly say that pain, fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, mood swings … are no strange to me. At the same time all that I have gone through motivated me to study and learn even more intensely. I now have not only the knowledge but also a lot of empathy towards those facing any kind of health issues. My respect for the human body and its self healing capabilities , given the right approach to healing, is huge.

Due to my extensive experience of working in the corporate environment I have the invaluable insight into the employee’s needs that are to do with overall wellbeing.

As a Naturopath & Health Stylist

I believe in and practice based on these fundamental truths:

  • the body wants to be healthy

  • the body is a whole, and all of its parts are connected

  • there is no separation of mind and body

  • genetics loads the gun but the environment pulls the trigger

  • treatment and healing do not mean the same thing, healing is a natural power

  • the immune system is king

  • addressing the root cause is more important than labeling the disease or treating the symptom

  • how we feel determines how well we do in life

  • wellbeing drives success

I also believe in the following key pillars of good health and wellbeing:

  1. Diet that is right & healthy for us individually, because we all are biochemically different

  2. Sufficient amount of physical movement & the right kind of exercise

  3. Adherence to the laws of circadian rhythm including the right amount of quality sleep, exposure to natural light, enough rest & relaxation

  4. Effective stress management

  5. Limiting exposure to environmental toxins (including those in water, food & cosmetics but also the artificial light)

  6. Healthy relationships

  7. Correct breathing technique

  8. Adequate hydration

  9. Supplementation

  10. Having a sense of purpose in life.

In the process of my educations I learnt from the word's leading experts in health and wellness:

If you could have done it by yourself, you probably would have done it by now.
— Pat Williams